Knowledge is Power: Crystals

Current Crystals 


Amazonite encourages self-determination and self-confidence and discourages self-destruction and the notion of being a victim. It is calming, helps lift sadness and apprehension, and encourages a healthy trust in the Divine. It is a filtering stone and can protect against electromagnetic stress if placed between the person and the source of pollution. Physically, it can ease cramps and is also useful in childbirth. Chakra Alignment: Heart and Throat


Brings increased calm, balance, and awareness to one's thoughts, feelings, and higher consciousness, and transmits the transformative energy of violet light.
Is very attractive to individuals beginning a profound deepening of their spirituality, and excellent for meditation.  Physically, it has a high vibration that is very powerful against all forms of pain, and its calming effect helps to eliminate anger, fear, and anxiety. Helps in the treatment of headaches, insomnia, and addictions. Can be placed in any space to promote overall healing and well-being, by creating a calming and harmonizing atmosphere.


Apatite is a stone that mystically can stimulate the thoughts and ideas. It is used, often in conjunction with meditation, to increase intellect, imagination, and intuitive and psychic awareness.  It is said to help you maintain focus, learn, concentrate effectively, think clearly, and communicate better. Apatite is a powerful meditation or psychic awareness tool. It can clear the aura, enable spiritual attunement, and bring powerful psychic awareness. Apatite is used very successfully mystically for lucid dreaming, deep meditation, astral travel, past life work, rebirthing, and inner wisdom.  It is a stone that promotes psychic communication, clairvoyance, and clairaudience. Apatite can be used to enhance the energies of other crystals and stones. Apatite is used by artists and others who wish to have more creativity in their lives to increase their creativity and imagination. Having apatite near you or wearing it can bring harmony on all levels, and brings inner peace. This occurs because it is aid to help release old feelings that may be hampering you in current life, including ones from past lives. Apatite is reputed in mystical lore to physically assist with nail problems, allergies, arthritis, bones, eyesight, glandular problems, muscles, nervous system, weight loss. 


Black Obsidian

Obsidian is a very protective stone and is excellent for removing negativity. It is also excellent protection against psychic attacks. In particular obsidian protects the gentle from abuse and is used to cut attachment cords to release one. It is a very grounding stone, and very healing. Obsidian is also an excellent manifestation stone. Physically it is said to benefit the stomach, intestines, muscle tissue, and can rid one of bacterial or viral infections.  It sharpens and focuses internal and external vision and helps get in touch with buried issues before they explode.   Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.  Obsidian is related primarily to the root chakra, though differing colors may relate to different chakras as well.

Black Onyx

A powerful protection stone, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief. Black Onyx fosters wise decision-making.
Use Black Onyx to encourage happiness and good fortune. Black Onyx is a strength-giving stone and can provide support for self-discipline issues. Because it helps to hold physical memories, Black Onyx can be useful in healing old wounds or past life issues.
Black Onyx is wonderful for meditation and dreaming. When using Black Onyx for either of these purposes, it is recommended to use a secondary grounding stone in combination with the Onyx. Black Onyx helps one to become master of their own future.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline crystal is a powerful stone for protection against negative energy of all kinds. It is also a strong spiritual grounding stone and is one of the most popular crystals to be used for metaphysical purposes. They are wonderful aids to both the professional healer and the average person who wants a stone that will be a positive force for good in your life, as it creates a positive attitude and mindset.

Blue Calcite 

Blue calcite is a stone that is especially calming and soothing. Nearness of blue calcite is great for calming frayed nerves. Blue calcite in your environment can make you aware of needs for rest, which is the first step in helping you get the rest you need. Blue calcite is also an excellent stone for students. It helps retain lessons learned and amplifies learning. Blue calcite also amplifies energy, particularly in the realms of communication and thought. Blue calcite is an excellent aid to communication. It fosters enlightened discussion, and eases communication between people with opposing views. It helps you express your views calmly and with tact. Blue calcite is also an enhancer of decision-making. It brings this quality to life through its ability to help you see more clearly what path will lead you to happiness. It also assists in remembering astral travel and channeling experiences. In the physical realm, blue calcite is used in crystal healing for the throat, lungs, tonsillitis, thyroid, arthrits, joints, and high blood pressure. Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.

Blue Goldstone

Aids communication and assists astral travel. Included copper generates warming and pain relief. Chakra Alignment: Throat

Blue Kyanite

Kyanite naturally attunes and balances mental energy, aligns and opens chakras instantly, and doesn't absorb negative energy. It enhances communication, channeling, meditation, dream recall, and altered states of mind, and brings a tranquil and centering vibration that facilitates inner journeys, profound experiences, self- cultivation, and manifesting thought into action.Blue Kyanite strengthens thyroid and parathyroid functioning, gently stimulates the throat and third-eye chakras, opens the mind to higher ideas and more optimistic thinking, and supports and improves the immune, muscular, and cardiovascular systems.

Blue Tigers Eye

Blue Tigers Eye, which is also known as Hawk's Eye, enhances integrity of communication and practical communication. It can help find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. It is also a stone of intuition and insight.  Blue tigers' eye can be used for protection, especially of the upper chakras. It is also said to bring good luck to one who wears or carries it. Blue tigers' eye is associated with the throat and third eye chakras.


Carnelian is a good balancer, it connects you with your inner self, giving good concentration. Said to benefit the kidneys, lungs and liver. Carnelian is dynamic, fiery and passionate. It bestows courage, lifts the emotions and is good for the libido. It is grounding, especially in the here and now and has historically been used as a stone of protection. Chakra Alignment: Navel


Celestite, aka celestine, is said to be an angelic stone. It is used to foster and forge connections to the angel realm and even to angels themselves. Tradition has it that celestite has been given consciousness raising and guidance powers from the angels. Using celestite with sincere prayer or meditation one can channel angelic wisdom and communications. Celestite is a great tool for meditation on any subject, bringing in perfect angelic universal energy to the effort. It helps block out distracting "noise" and focus on other planes of existence. It is also an excellent tool for astral travel. Celestite purifies the aura of humans as well as other beings.  This can be helpful for anything ranging from day-to-day living, to supporting healing, to enhancing relationships and more. From its synergistic energies of the crown and throat chakras, celestite brings balance to thought processes and communication. With celestite one can find the ability to organize pertinent information, discard the irrelevant, and communicate the results with ease. This can be a boon to anyone, but especially to writers and public speakers. Celestite brings a number of positive energies to the emotional realm. It can lend its essence to reduce and eliminate worry, fear and anxiety and bring hope. It is also an excellent tool for emotional protection. In these ways it decreases negativity and negative energy in one's emotional body and life. In crystal healing work, celestite is used for healing eye problems, mental disorders, stress and anxiety related disorders, ear problems, proper cellular order, eliminating toxins, thyroid, digestive problems.  


Promotes emotional balance, removes fears, and facilitates psychic perception. It alleviates depression and stress, brings clarity of thought and intention, and increases confidence and will power. Symbolizing the light of sunrise, it's often used when initiating a new cycle for a project or phase of life. Known as the merchant's stone, it empowers prosperity, sharing, and generosity. Physically, it supports any problem or treatment involving the digestive system and helps with weight loss and eating disorders. It activates the solar plexus and aligns all chakras with the etheric plane.

Clear Quartz

Amplifies the energies of other stones. It helps to reveal the truth and brings clarity of thought / mind. Clear Quartz amplifies and strengthens the whole aura. It cleanses and shifts energy. Clear Quartz is by far the most versatile and multidimensional stone in the mineral kingdom as far as its healing properties are concerned. It facilitates your personal growth source and is ideal for meditation and contemplation. Clear Quartz gives strong psychic protection and causes awakening. Keywords - Clear Quartz - Brightening, organizing, amplifying, magnification of ambient energies, clearing, cleansing, healing and highly programmable.

Dalmation Stone

With its natural dots reminiscent of the dog's coat, it's easy to see where Dalmatian Jasper gets its name. Dalmatian jasper is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment. It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality. Dalmatian Jasper increases loyalty and is beneficial for long term relationships. It brings a sense of fun to one's life. Physically it is said by crystal healers to help purify the blood. It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking. It is also said to be particularly beneficial for healing people who have trouble relaxing and having fun.

Desert Rose

Desert Rose is a variety of Selenite. As such it has its own energies as well as those of Selenite in general. It is a stone of the mind, as well as angelic stone. It is said to bring mental ability and clarity, as well as perception of all kinds, including intuitive perception. Desert rose is used in crystal healing to quiet worries and still the mind from distractions and disruptions. Metaphysically, desert rose is used to dissolve "programs" we have put upon ourselves that are outdated or over-used. It is helpful for strength in meditation and affirmation. It is said to be helpful for the spine and the skeleton in general, and for aligning the spine properly. 

Fancy Jasper

Fancy Jasper is a stone of gentleness and relaxation. It is professed to enhance one's ability to relax and bring tranquility, comforting, wholeness, healing, and gentle endings. As with all jaspers, it is also a good protection stone. In mystical healing lore, jasper is said to be good for the liver, gallbladder, and soothing to the stomach. Fancy Fancy Jasper is reputed to be particularly good at bringing energies of wholeness and healing to an environment or situation.

Fire Quartz 

Hematoid Quartz is quartz with hematite. As a natural combination, the Hematoid Quartz, combines the high energy ofQuartz with the stabilizing energy ofHematite. It also adds its own synergy to the mix. The synergistic mix also has energy of accelerating healing and pain relief, maintaining emotional balance during times of stress, and clear thinking. Hematoid Quartz closes the energetic loop between the Root and Crown Chakras within the aura.


Fluorite promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, protection, and brings peace.  It helps one meditate and learn to go past the "chatter" that our minds tend to generate when first learning to meditate. Deeper meditation past the "chatter" can give access to cosmic truth, attune to spirit guides or animal totems. This energy can be used to manifest one's life purpose. Fluorite protects psychically as a psychic shield, protect from chaotic vibrations by evening them out in an orderly manner. It is used to clear energy fields and auric cleansing in particular. Fluorite is also used to remove astral attachments, which brings a reduction or elimination of negativite energy.

Fluorite is also said to enhance the strength of other stones. Fluorite is a stone of mental order and clarity. It is used to enhance mental clarity and reduce instability and disorder. This brings a wiser, more balanced view of life and improves decision making,. These traits enable one to manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition. Learning is another key mental use for fluorite. It can improve learning for anyone, enhance focus and concentration, and reduce learning disorders. Fluorite is a great stone to calm and relieve anxiety, tension, and stress by detoxifying the emotional body. It can help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues.  Fluorite can reduce fear of the future as well as ease anger and depression. Fluorite can remove confusion and mental "fog" to create order and harmony in life.


The "Sex Stone" especially for those lacking sexual fulfilment. Garnet strengthens the life force and provides for the spontaneous availability of energy when needed. It fosters romantic love, passion and intimacy. It is also known as the "Stone of Health". It extracts negative energies and transmutes them into useful energies. This gemstone is especially good for the restoration of victimized and abused women, helping them reclaim lost power. It promotes regeneration of emotional energy and the acceptance of one's thoughts and emotions. Garnet enhances creative powers and provides a protective influence. It stimulates the Kundalini and balances the energy flow. Garnet stabilizes energy devoted to accomplishing one's purpose. It also empowers and strengthens the Root and Navel chakras. Garnet heightens sexuality (the physical aspects) and increases fertility. Garnet resonates with the heart and lungs and can be used to help with skin disease and cancer. Garnet has excellent regenerative forces. Keywords - Garnet - Prosperity, health, creativity, sexuality, attraction, initiating, stimulating and fiery.


Associated with wealth and abundance. Included copper generates warming and pain relief. Chakra Alignment: Navel and Solar Plexus Goldstone  is said to help attain one's goals. Goldstone is also said to help one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can be used as an energy generator and can deflect unwanted energies, making it used as a protection stone. It is also used for long distance healing and revitalizing one's energy field. Goldstone also has many of the metaphysical properties of copper, including in crystal healing lore the strengthening the circulatory system, strengthening bones, and easing arthritis pain. Please note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.

Green Aventurine

Aventurine is said to benefit one in all areas of creativity, and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. Lore says that it enhances prosperity and brings career success. It is a gentle stone energetically that gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness. It also helps one to see alternatives and potentials in all situations, giving a positive outlook, courage and inner strength. It is also said to bring luck, especially in games of chance. Green aventurine is also a mystical stone of prosperity. Aventurine bring friendship to one's life. It is also a stone of protection energies. Folklore and metaphysical lore say that physically it is beneficial for blood, circulatory system, balancing blood pressure, sinus problems, nausea, headaches, general health, allergies, eczema, fever, and sleep disorders. Aventurine is associated with the heart chakra. Different colors of Aventurine such as blue, peach or red, have additional properties and relate to various chakras according to color.

Green Opal

Cleansing and rejuvenating stones, bringing energy and quick recovery from illness, exhaustion or mental angst. Whether helping one to unburden the heart or providing assistance in relationships, Green Opals have the ability to filter information and reorient the mind, giving meaning to everyday life and bringing a spiritual perspective. Green Opals activate the Heart Chakra and utilize Wood energy, the energy of family and health, prosperity and abundance.


 Hematite is said to enhance personal magnetism, will and courage. Believed beneficial for blood flow, stress and the nerves. Hematite has an attractive silver sheen and is often used in jewelery. Hematite is used to encourage optimism and is also good for stress and depression. It is an extremely good grounding stone. Wearing or holding a piece of hematite will bring the wearer's awareness back to the body and present almost instantly. Hematite rounds, protects, strengthens the will and because of its reflective quality, promotes awareness of personal issues and patterns by encouraging inner reflection. It encourages the ability to survive and the desire for further development. Because of its high iron content, hematite is used in the treatment of anemia and circulatory problems. It clears and re-aligns lower Chakras, allowing any unwanted or unnecessary energy to drain down and out of the body. Hematite also draws off heat and can be useful in treatment of fevers. A rose-shaped hematite crystal has the same qualities as smooth, polished hematite, but can be further used to help to contain one's own energy. When used in meditation, it allows us to see different layers of reality, and to step back and view our problems with detachment.  Chakra Alignment: Root

Hematoid Quartz

Hematoid Quartz is quartz with hematite. As a natural combination, the Hematoid Quartz, combines the high energy of Quartz with the stabilizing energy of Hematite. It also adds its own synergy to the mix. The synergistic mix also has energy of accelerating healing and pain relief, maintaining emotional balance during times of stress, and clear thinking. Hematoid Quartz closes the energetic loop between the Root and Crown Chakras within the aura.


Spiritually, howlite is a stone of awareness. It can prepare the user or wearer to receive wisdom and attunement from the Higher Self and the Divine. It is also used for dimensional travel and healthy meditation. Howlite can also be used to release attachments, or cords, linking old emotional pain, from this life or a past life, to the present. Once these atachments are severed, it allows for processing those emotions and bringing peace in those areas. Howlite is a wonder stone for calming upset states of mind and emotion. Howlite decreases an overly critical state of mind, selfishness, stress, and anxiety, bringing calm and relaxation. Howlite also can decrease anger originating from within or externally. The wake of such calming can help one be truly comfortable as oneself without the need to pretend to be anything but what you are. Subtlety and tact are also energies that howlite brings. This can calm difficult communications and ease confrontations., particularly by decreasing rudeness and facetiousness. Howlite is also used to heighten creativity and expand self-expression.


Labradorite is believed to be a blazing, fire like stone that can to protect and cushion one's aura, as well as providing wisdom and understanding. Labradorite is used for protection, renewal of energy for those who overwork, keeping the aura clear, and also for revealing hidden talents or psychic gifts. It is known as the Old Warrior's Stone as it is believed to give old souls new energy. It is also known as the 'illusion killer', as it helps us to see the true shape of our intentions. Chakra Alignment: Root and Throat

Lapis Luzuli

Lapis Lazuli is a wonderfully vibrant crystal prized for thousands of years and sought after for use in jewelry. The Ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians prized lapis lazuli and called it the Stone of Rulers. It was particularly thought to bring wisdom, truth and insight. Lapis lazuli is associated with friendship, peace, relaxation and communication. It is aligned with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras. Lapis lazuli is believed to help us express ourselves, voice our true selves and is recommended for anyone who is introverted. It is also highly associated with teach and passing on wisdom. Lapis lazuli is also considered very cleansing and protects for physical danger, harmful intent and the evil eye. It is quite rare, especially in particularly rich blue colors. Chakra Alignment: Throat, Third Eye, Crown.

Lava Rock

Emotional- Since lava is known for its grounding qualities, it’s wonderful for calming the emotions. In fact, the quality of fire springs from the ground, so in terms of healing gems, this lends itself to a calming- but intense- energy. Because it comes from raw energy, it’s considered to be a stone of rebirth and shedding unneeded layers of emotional attachment.

Spiritual- Lava stones are fantastic for stabilizing and grounding the root chakra. This is because of the strong connection to the earth and its creation within the center of Earth. In folk remedies, it was also given to soldiers to help them remain calm during battle.


Unites the powers of rose and violet light, brings balance to the heart and crown chakras, and activates these energies on the causal plane. Prepares a path for harmonizing feelings of self- esteem, acceptance, openness, honesty, and forgiveness. Awakens spiritual love by it's capacity to synchronize angelic energies. Helps in transitions, and facilitates restructuring and reorganizing old and outdated attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs. Induces change when necessary, and stimulates acceptance of the new. Reduces stress and tension, aids digestion, alleviates cramps, tendonitis, and muscle tension, and can locate areas in the physical body that have energetic blocks.



Moonstone is regarded as the stone of women and associated with water and the Moon. It is dedicated to the Moon, fertility, and femininity. In line with its feminine character, moonstone inspires flexibility, nurturing wisdom and is believed helpful in pregnancy. Moonstone is sometimes called the Visionary Stone and is believed to aid psychic development. It is said to form a connection to the Divine and help to create emotional balance. Moonstone is well known for easing menstrual cramps and is good for women going through transitional stages. Carrying a moonstone in your pocket can alleviate the symptoms of PMT. It is said to help balance all fluid systems in the body, such as the digestive system, reproductive system and lymphatic system. Moon Stone stabilizes all emotional states and helps relieve stress and tension. These qualities link moonstone to the Sacral Chakra as well as to the Crown Chakra. Moonstone also works well at the Solar Plexus where emotional stress can upset the nervous system. Chakra Alignment: Crown 

Orange Calcite

Orange calcite is a stone that is particularly helpful mentally. It can relieve emotional fear, mental breakdown, depression, accidents, rape, divorce, suicidal thoughts. It is particularly helpful with phobias. Orange calcite restores mental and emotional equilibrium.

Orange calcium can also give a gentle boost to psychic abilities and intuition.

Physically, orange calcite is helpful for the reproductive system, genitals, intestines, irritable bowel syndrome, kidneys, chronic fatigue, calcium intake and assimilation. It is also used for balancing sexual energies.


Pearls attune the wearer to ebb and flow of life. They are calming and centering. They give purity and promote faith, charity, and integrity, truth and loyalty. They especially enhance personal integrity. They help one connect with the Goddess, the ultimate feminine energy, and bring love energy. Pearls have been used in crystal healing to treat disorders of the digestive tract and muscular systems, as well as to aid fertility and to ease childbirth.


Activates the crown (seventh) chakra, bringing spiritual wisdom in order to specifically work with the widest and most open concept of expectation, encouraging ideas for physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Also helps one to see through appearances, promoting greater comprehension of what is truly behind and inside of words and actions. As an amulet, it is used to attract wealth and prosperity, protection against physical dangers, and negative vibrations.

Red Jasper 

 Japer is said to be useful for controlling the emotions and a good stone for soothing the nerves. Jasper in whatever form is extremely nurturing and reminds us that we are here to nurture others as well. It occurs in many colors, all of which present their own properties.  Good for gently dynamic energy and passion - and yes, good for the sex drive! It brings problems to light before they get out of hand, helps in dream recall, and strengthens and detoxifies. Chakra Alignment: Navel and Base 

Red Tigers Eye

Red Tigers Eye brings energies of vibrance and vitality, and of enhancing integrity of self and can be very grounding. It is said to help one have the practicality and willpower to take care of oneself fully. It is a survival stone and can help with the correct use of power for survival in difficult times and can bring vitality.  Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information. It promotes energies of health and vibrancy of those who wear it. It is said to bring good luck. Red Tiger Eye is associated with the root or base chakra. It also has the energetic properties of "regular" or golden Tiger Eye.

Rose Quartz

Is the fundamental heart chakra stone and symbolizes the power and healing potential of unconditional love. Through its gentle vibration, it brings remembrance of the essence of love, free from guilt and fear, and fosters forgiveness, higher consciousness, and compassion. Helps to expand and create a new reality in life and with the universe, by providing the ability to reprogram the heart for developing and maintaining self-love, esteem, and acceptance.


Promotes mental and physical flexibility, strengthens comprehension and decision-making abilities, and helps clarify perception of the more profound and important aspects of any situation. Helps to align, remove blockages, and improve both upward and downward energetic flow along the spinal column, and facilitates cellular regeneration. Activates the transpersonal chakras so that they can receive and connect with pure spiritual energy. Can clear, clean, and energize other crystals, objects, persons, and environments simultaneously, and is a wonderful tool for energetic and healing activities. Works well in connection with Hematite and Black Tourmaline to increase the range and power of intuition and meditation practices.

Smokey Quartz 

Balances the spirit of the earth and provides a protective shield against negative energies. Helps on the inner path to transform shadows into light, stabilizes emotions, gives security by freeing one from fears and worries, and cures depression. Encourages experimentation with new things and develops an attitude of self-acceptance in the process of learning. Strengthens the kidneys and pancreas, increases fertility, balances sexual energy, and initiates the movement of Kundalini. Dissipates subconscious blocks and negativity on all levels, assists with dream awareness and channeling, and gives knowledge and connection with nature.


Sodalite is a calm and communicative crystal that is helpful to have with you. It helps to calm and clear the mind, whilst bringing joy to the heart. Sodalite is aligned with the throat chakra and primarily associated with communication. It is said to balance the intellect with intuition, helping us to communicate clearly. It encourages ambition and realization of ideals. Because of this, sodalite is good for working in groups and is believed to inspire feeling of community. Sodalite also helps with self-acceptance and self-awareness. Physically, sodalite is believed to aid metabolism and balance the lymphatic system. Chakra Alignment: Throat


Sunstone is mood lifting and anti-depressant. It supports a sense of self-worth and allows us to let go of feelings of failure and to believe in luck and happiness again. On a wider level, it helps us to see the world and the past in a better light. Sunstone's brilliant inclusions are usually due to the presence of hematite or goethite. Chakra Alignment: Solar Plexus, Navel

Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye is a stone of confidence and power that inspired brave - but never foolhardy - behavior. It is believed to give us the strength, courage and cunning of a tiger. All types of tiger eye are believed to be beneficial for the digestive system. Long considered a protective stone and carried as an amulet or talisman, Gold Tigers Eye also promotes creativity, ambition, dynamic energy and can be used to combat depression. It is considered the universal 'luck' stone and in some systems is reputed to attract money. Chakra Alignment: Solar Plexus


Unakite is a combination of Pink Feldspar, Green Epidote and Quartz. Cleansing, balancing and detoxifying. It can be used to see the root cause of illness. It is sometimes used as a fertility aid, and is believed to support a healthy pregnancy. Chakra Alignment: Heart Unakite is a stone with gentle but powerful energy. It can assist one in finding one's animal guide. It is also a stone that is helpful for gardening. Unakite is also a good protection stone. Unakite brings unconditional love of humanity, connection and reunion. Unakite is considered to be very helpful for pregnancy and childbirth. It can help with healing of abandonment and separation issues. Unakite is said in crystal healing lore to benefit the heart, circulatory system, female reproductive system, male reproductive system though to a lesser extent than female, weight loss, and ease pregnancy. 

 Quick reference 

AGATE: Energizer, Strengthens
AMBER: Rids Depression, Lifts the Spirit
AMETHYST: Heightens psychic ability, inner calm, very helpful in Meditation
AMETHYSTINE AGATE: Stimulates, Brings about change
APACHE TEAR: Repels negativity, aids in grief, protection
AQUA AURA: Opens and cleanses the chakra
AQUAMARINE: Clears thinking, Purifying, Confidence, opens throat chakra
AVENTURINE: Speeds healing, Promotes Creativity and Luck
AZURITE: Helps to calm, aids in truth finding and acceptance
BARITE: Excellent communication aid, especially with relationships
BERYL: Psychic Awareness, another good relationship stone
BLACK ONYX: Repels negativity all around you
BLOODSTONE: Soothes the mind, Relieves depression, Healing
BLUE LACED AGATE: Promotes feminine qualities, Gentleness, peace
BOTSWANA AGATE: Attracts gifts and small pleasures, Mood lifting
CALCITE: Balancing, good for meditation.
CARNELIAN: To focus, Helps in making decisions
CHAROITE: Aids in conquering own fears
CHRYSOCOLLA: Feminine qualities, clears thinking
CITRINE: Attracts abundance, Prosperity
CLEAR QUARTZ: Inner awareness, Concentration, Energy enhancer
CORAL: Sea travel protection
DANBURITE: Intellectual stone
DIAMOND: Use sparingly, Solidifying
EMERALD: Psychic Awareness, Future seeing
FLOURITE: Clears understanding, aids in centering, astral aid
GARNET: Heightens sexual awareness, bodily strength, wisdom
GOLD: Healing, Promotes abundance
HEMATITE: Excellent grounding stone, Protection, soothing
JACINTH: Friendship, Healing
JADE: Inner beauty
JASPER-BROWN: To direct energies towards the body
JASPER-RED: To attract a love affair or maintain passion
LAPIS LAZULI: Justice, Honor, Spirituality
LEOPARD JASPER: A good grounding stone, opens to new thinking
MALACHITE: Inspiration, Spiritual Harmony, Protector of Children
MOLDAVITE: Usually finds Healers, cosmic and astral connections
MOONSTONE: Divination, Dreams, Balances emotions
MOSS AGATE: Acceptance, confidence, a good Herbalist stone.
MOTHER OF PEARL: Money attraction, protection
OBSIDIAN: Protection, Inner hidden issues
ONYX: Stabilization, Comfort, Faith
OPAL: Spirituality, Contact with the spirits
PEARL: Intuition, Divination aid
PERIDOT: Compassion, Simple pleasures
PYRITE: Money attraction, eases fears and dreads
QUARTZ-ROSE: Healing, Friendships, Love
RED JASPER: Aids in remembering dreams, justice
RHODONITE: Draws love, heals emotions
ROCK CRYSTAL: Direct contact with spirit world, Centering
RUBY: To bring about a very deep and pure love affair
SAPPHIRE: Protection, luck, peace of mind
SELENITE: Astral aid, ease thoughts and emotions
SMOKEY QUARTZ: A need for invisibility, ridding of unwanted elements.
SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN: Brings peace and inner calm, aids in recognizing patterns of behavior.
SODALITE: Self-esteem absorbs negativity.
TIGER'S EYE: Strength, Independence, Business start-ups
TOPAZ: Dispel fears, warmth
TOURMALINE: Black for protection and grounding. Green for healing and purifying.
TURQUOISE: Physical protection, Creative force